What is Colosstrum ?

What is Colostrum?
Colostrum is the pre-milk fluid produced by mammals parent within the first 24-48 hours after giving birth. Colostrum contains a variety of immune factors, growth factors and other important nutrients that are useful for survival, growth and health for the new baby born mammals.
Human colostrum contains 2% IgG, whereas cow colostrum contains 86% IgG which is one of the most important part of the immune system. Based on research that cow colostrum biological structures suitable to all creatures mammals, including the right for humans. Even the content of immune factors 40 times higher than human colostrum. Colostrum provides general health benefits, the various substances contained in the colostrum useful to enhance physical vitality and stamina.

KEY FACTOR 3 contained in the colostrum
Immunity Factors (Natural Immune System)
Active components are very effective in improving immunity against various diseases.
  • Colostrum contains more than 95 types of immune factors that are useful for fighting infectious diseases due to viruses, bacteria, fungi and other germs. Immunoglobulin (Antibodies: IgG, IgA, IgM, ER, IgE), enhance the body immunity against attack various types of diseases and germs.
  • Proline-rich Polypeptide is a hormone that functions to regulate the balance of work activities so that the immune escape under active immune system or over-active immune system (Auto immune disorder).
  • Lactoferrin are proteins that function as anti-virus, anti-bacterial, and increase oxygen levels in body tissue.  
Growth Factor (Natural Growth Factors)
According to the research that the aging body, then the growth factor content in the body is reduced. Colostrum with the content of the natural growth factor (IGF-1, IGF 2, TGF a, TGF B, PdgF, FgF, EGF, HGH) can prevent many problems resulting from the aging process the body, among others:
  • Stimulate the development of cells and tissues.
  • Improve cell damage caused by disease and natural aging process.
  • Assist the regeneration of heart tissue, liver, lungs, liver and various other body tissue.
  • Stimulate the synthesis of proteins whose function is to rejuvenate the skin and bones.
  • Reduce fat and increase muscle mass.
  • Helps improve mood and mental through the process of neurotransmitter in the brain.
  • Because of the regenerative effects of colostrum worked almost in all parts of the body's cell structure of colostrum is very effective to prevent premature aging.
  • Improve and maintain balance in the body's metabolism.
 Nutritional factors (Natural Essential Nutrition)
Nutrition content-rich, protein, vitamins and minerals to supplement the body's nutritional needs. Various milk nutrition is to support the body's immune work, repair and regeneration of cells in the body tissue, and balance the body's metabolic processes optimally.